10 Year Of Lies
[Hyung, I've Grown Up! Yeokkijab BL Anthology] 10 Years of Lies ; 10 Years of Lies ; [형, 나 커졌어! 역키잡 BL 단편선] 10년의 거짓말 ; 10년의 거짓말
- Author(s) : Magoo Gongju ,
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Sep 17,2024 - 02:48 AM
- View : 15.1K
- Genres : Drama, Mature, Psychological, Smut, Tragedy, Webtoons, Yaoi,
- Rating :
- Mangakakalot rate : 3.71/ 5 - 14 votes
10 Year Of Lies summary:
They say the man I thought was my dad for all I can remember is the one who kidnapped me. How should I compensate for my 10 years of lies? And I decided. I decided to take revenge in the same way.
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